This is part of my house

I have just noticed, I always keep something Chinese for myself in my house which I was never here, it looks strange often at times when I am back from a trip, I have a simple apartment I always keep near the sea, but some how it makes me humble, not think like I am some how you call "a movie star", I am just as normal as you are. This is the truth, only difference is that I got lucky to make movies and to dance and live in my dream, because I believe in it.

I have been sitting here in my sofa for a while, just to let my thoughts wondering, it has a life of its own, for some reason I was kind of sad today or from yesterday, something to do with the earthquake of cause, by the way thanks for all of you for caring about my family and what happened to my home town, it is sad, can you imagine if it is your own family that suddenly lost?

I have been running around in the world filming and traveling, really forgot to sit down and think about my life, about the meaning of life, about why am I always running?

Finally I spoke with my father,
My father is fine, I talked to him for an hour, and he told me what had happened to him while the earth was shaking, he run from the second floor while he was playing chase, all the to the ground then to the garden then to another garden, the glasses of the window were breaking and flying as well as the building walls was falling, it feels like you are running in a boat on water, my father felt like a drunk man could not awake, by the way he dose drink a little every dinner, remember when I was a child I always want to try, then my father always use the tips of the chopsticks dip in the Chinese wine, even just a little its enough to get me kind of drunk, I was always so pale and the little dip of the wine could suddenly get my face red, how funny as a little girl you always want to have the pink color on your cheek, then I was happy......

I remember my father always like to smile and tease me with the little wine drop on the tips of his chopsticks, I really miss home, miss my family.

It was so nice talking to my father, last night he run from the afternoon till the evening and sit in the garden then run again and never got to sleep that night. My father said: well if you disturb nature, then the little monster sleeping inside of nature is going to wake up and disturb you, and if you dig a whole on the ground then the earth has to balance it and make it even then it is going to unbalance you.

It is sad what had happened, but maybe there is a listen to be learned for all of us: respect nature and treasure life.

I am sad for the lost life, I am sad for the children, I am sad for so many beautiful dreams have just buried in the dark.......

Send my love and the gentle breath to the ones are still crying......

My heart is with you.

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