Another vew from the hotel of halekulani, just checking out, but where I am staying is much better, but I like the jazz bar her, elegent and nice music...... Might come for drinking later, I remember when I was doing " Lost" here, the brunch is so good here, well I am in vacation, just have to enjoy life a little, but I really love the warm hot weather, warinh my bikini walking on the street, and no one cares, cool all the Japaness tourists here, cute, they put all the white cream on their face and trying to look white and with their cameras taking pictures everywhere and trying to catch the ghost and they don't even know it, it would be funny when they develop their pictures, All the red head ghosts appear, and they will have haeat attack, sorry just joking my relatives Japaniss. White Baby bb, people always want what they don't have and want to be what they are not, why? Mental problems?
Shopping for colorful bikini in town
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