Rose morning smile to you

Good morning, just wake up and going to grandma's kitchen then take my mom to Tian An Men squer, I will show you the picture when I get there, it is a beautiful day, no sun, Beijing is cool now for today and luckily I don't have to filming today, I have a good luck, just my mom is here so that I can have a one free day with her. Last night we had good time with all the people from my film, good food and place, just so tired, but looking forward to go out now, whish I could sleep mire, but my mom says she is going to get up at 6:30am, so I said 9am then she just woke up now which is already 11am, mom sleep in a fiddernt suit when I knocked the door she could not even hear it, she maybe be so tired woke up early to fly, my mom is funny like a kid but at the same time so smart, ok mom is coming......
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