Just got burned on my butt on set during the scene, there was a candle behind me but who would'v know, 2 big blesters, don't know how to spell the word, anyway, it hurts so bad, my finger get hurt yesterday, and my legs, what's wrong with me, I guess I have to be careful, it is more smoth then before I think the shooting, just had lunch, actrully everyone is so much looking foward to it, it is like a little festival, brings sunlight to your heart and make you smile, only it is too short of a break then have to be on set again. Did a photo shooting after shooting last night for a Beijing magazine, very nice, they are very mordon the style, very cool, just have no time to do anything besides filming, tired still, mom is not on set today, it actrully is boring and direty, she maybe know it, and she spend her most time watching TV in my little waiting room, now she is elaxed in the comfortable hotel room, don't know what to do if I have all the time in the world, write? Sleep? Dreaming? Or just wondering around? I have a blog just opend yesterday in www. Sina.com, click blog I think you will find me there too, lots of fans there from the mainland China, and I am going to be their guest on Sunday 4pm Beijing time and 1pm on QQ talk show. Well they are calling me to set now, talk to you later my friend. A smile from Beijing
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