So amazing, So preciously beautiful, Panda in my home town Cheng Du, that's the only climate that Panda would survive, this is how they chill and cool down from the hot summer heat in my home town. Cheng Du always is so hot in the summer time, the waves of the heat blow our face all day long as if a magician landed or emerged from a mysterious heaven or hell trying to transform us into burning fire....... sometimes the heat burn our ass so hard we just could not sit or sleep in any one position for 88 second, we could not sleep at night, so we wake up doing all kinds of crazy things, we would sometimes sneak out off our house in the middle of the night like 8 of us just ride bicycles to the local streets and sit on the pavement eat the hottest hot pot, so delicious as if it is the end of the world, we laugh so crazy loud just to wake up the earth, children, our old grandparents, and the ghosts would suddenly stopped taking show, man and woman would suddenly stopped making love, and we would woke up all the wild animals across the blue sea, from far up high mountains and of cause our lovely precious Panda baby would walk slowly to join us, and we would transformed the little local streets into a huge wild club, and we would just party all night long like the MAD MAD MAD ROCK STARS!!!!!!!!