How lovely to think of you......
Full moon is for lovers, so so beautiful, I can see you with your heart wide open so pure and clear with no protection just like my vulnerable but so powerful, its meant to be... stillness... magic..... lets look together at the moon wherever you are......

I was going to post you today's hollywood party with the beach boy band playing next to the pool and a beautiful view, but I started with those pictures, it just does not fit, I like those pictures, they are kind of pure and innocent, but the party one just too sexy I will save them for the next time.
Yes the story of the 88, wow memories can be so beautiful its like a kite taking its time gently flying away so far away to the sky, till my naked eyes suddenly blurred by the hush sunlight and the lovely kite just lost so up high somewhere behind the sky forever that I can not see it anymore, sadly I searched the whole sky and on the land of earth, but nowhere to be found the lovely kite, but just when I give up then there it is the kite appeared in front of me dancing with its wings in the wind of the music, almost I felt kind of not really sure what had happened or where I was??? A game?
This is my story and my story of a young mental patient whom lost her sense of reality, but circled inside of the huge 88, yes she keep having this DREAM about herself ice skidding in side of the 8 circle and could not get out, she tried so hard to escape but she just can not, 8 lucky number circle of life, but she felt like a doomed magic that locked her feet her heart then her sweet wings, she ice skidding circled inside the huge white number 8 on the frozen dark ice lake endless, only her breath and the hush sound of the knife cutting through the hard frozen lake can be heard so loud... then suddenly one day she found the 8 circle just appeared like a magic on the surface of a frozen lake in REALITY without her even put her foot on the ice......... yes she found the lake looks just like in her dream then she skidding in the huge circle of the number 8, once again exactly just like in her dDREAM, then music started, then a smile emerged from this young woman's deep heart to her innocent face, then her wings suddenly came back and once again she is flying, flying in the huge 8 circle so graceful and found the freedom as if she is flying like the lovely kite into the far away beautiful blue sky so up high.........
then the second 8 emerged just like that so quietly but huge like a shadow, from the ice, beneath the frozen lake........
I miss her and her love dream and surreal craziness....... Yes no one understand her but me....... maybe you?
This is the character I played in a Chinese movie called : Arc Light
Do leave me messages here, not sure about twitter, cause I don't like to know what everyone is doing every second, none of my business