What a beautiful exciting day I had today wow unbelievable!!!!!!!!
The spirit of the land the desert life just like the camels suddenly slowly emerged from the far away horizon, from the end of the earth, so small emerged like life lights suddenly emerged quietly waves its powerful magic........Yes waves its wings just like the ocean dancing its power, burning the sun........ shine its bright color blind us all.......
Beauty through my eyes I want to share.........
Story 1)
I cannot believe So many soldiers know me and come to see me even made the effort to go to the internet and went to the local store print out pictures ask me to sign, but the soldiers told me they blocked the play boy pics because its a muslin country..and there is one sweet gentleman smile the whole time I think he is the leader of the whole base, he was so excited to see me and told me since he heard I am coming he was holding his breaths so excited waiting for the day to come, I was touched by his emotions, so nice to come all the way to say hello and showing them that we care....... in fact I was the one holding my breath waiting for the day to come to visit them, he was overly excited showed me around in the burning heat and dust so sweet........he said when I win award one day he will come......
and there are many more fascinating stories I learned but Cannot even begin to share with you cause no internet now almost, shoot......... you have to wait, me too, leaving at 6am fly to Iraq in a few hours, tough to get internet over here but I will try to post you, just want to share the experience with you, cause I know this experience is not everyone could get to have, so many stories with the soldiers wow, and much more fascinating pics can not post now, but I will later, 6am flying, have to get up so early.......
New adventure.......
But so excited!!!
Enjoy the pics.......
Story 2)
Landed in Iraq, but can not use my computer only the hotel ones, so I can not post any pics for now, but I will when I can, I think you have enough to enjoy for now my friend.
We flew air force black hawk I was on the upper dick where the Pilate are flying, 5 guys I guess they want me to entertain them, but they are all very nice and tall and handsome, of cause I took pictures they did it too.
Dusty road to the base hotel, where we are staying was the palace Saddam Hussein use to stay so fancy and beautiful wow!!!!!!!! So tired and dirty have few hours maybe go for a swimming?
It 120 degrees here, the heat is unbelievably hot really I am walking in the sunna room the whole city the whole country is lost in walking living sleeping dreaming breathing and wondering in the over heated sunna room, but huge and nice, send you the over heated wonder wherever you are........
Its 150 degrees here, wow unblievebelly hot, helicapter took us from Baghdad to Mahawil a ntiny small town to meet the soldiers take pictuers and sign autograph, then flew to Kulsu then to I forgot the name, anyway another small town, this older gentel man and his team picked us up, wow the waves of the heat really are the waves like the waves in the ocean hit you, I can feel it and touches and pushes me so strong........ this older gentael man wa so appreiated that we came here from so far, he says: its easy to say, but you actully made the effert came all the way through the heat and defficoulties its something I am so appreciate it, cause not many people will actully do, he has a great respect for me. but I told his how appraciate and respect I am to him and to all the people here, its really really tough, just the heat itself its enough to nock you over plus the flying dust and the limited simple condition, wow really something, its really like in Tibet ecept its a brutle hot summer, I am having huge headeich now............
Of cause since I came to Iraq I can not use my own computer for internet, only the army's so sorry can not post any pics, this is the condition over here, the soldiers live very simple limited life, not much to expect and soon I will have to adopt and give up what I use to, in fact theis gentale man took me to 3 differrent places but still did not work, and they would not allow me bring any bags and everytime I have to show my pass port and anothe certifiction to enter, even to the D fit (how do you spell? the place For food)
Just to share with you my friend, while you are there in a beautiful peaceful beach enjoy your sunday, people are here working to protect and doing the hard work to make the world at peace.
this gentalman told me: I so looking forward to go back home and just lying on the beach and think and doing nothing..... he told me 3 times during our serching fo rinternet. and he also told me a secret that he is going to get married when he go back home, when I asked him how long did he know his girlfriend, he says since high school, what? he looks to me like don't know over 60?
Appreciate life you got a great one!!!
A few hours ago the local attacted here, but nothing really damaged, and the US army not allowed to attact back, he says: its not fair, but politics............
Sharing my journey in the unbareble heat with you from where there still in war Iraq...........
Frome above high on the helicapter, the earth human houses everything even the tiger river are so small like a huge soft buring painting surviving in the heat of fire.............
Sorry no spelling check hope you will understand........
Hello from Iraq...........
Story 3)
Woke up at 5:30am to look at the paladin also called the big guns, they are so powerful and beautiful in the yellow dust, its like a sureal pianting in Gerge Lucas star wars, they stand there so tall, many of them as if they could suddenly become alive, I just love the colour, I got inside and then ride on it, so cool, I met this young cute soldier 20 years old last night duing our screening, after the film we were taking pictures, and I started yelling and wanted have some fun cause in the desert kind of get a little bored you know...... so then every one gets excited, then he was the one have the vivied open and wild spirit and he asked me on the stage with his knees bend down: " will you marry me?" it was so funny the way it happend, then everyone goes crazy, and one guy says: you are my girld friend how can you marry someone else? then another soldiers ask me to sit on his lap, then another soldire carryed me up and more...... it was so much fun, we find and create joy and ride on them........
of cause this morning he was there the young cute soldire asked me to marry last night: " you haven't answerd me yet?" " What?" I answered.
then he showed me around took me pictures ( wish I could post you) then he took me to his room and give me 2 hats which I really love, you know what he has a naked girl's picture on his ceiling where he lay dowm sleep could look at her butt all the time wow!!! But he is kind of innecent, his name is Scotty, he told me he has not really seen a girl in 8 months..... we walked, he took me to the Dfac, on the dust road we were walking all the soldires trucks stopped looking at us, cause I dressed in a red skirt and I don't think a lot of girls here look like me, or if there are girls at all. anyway we eat and now we are in the internet writing you and he is sitting right now next to me.........
He told me some stories, I guess he and his soldire friends want to react fight back to the attac the army base got but they are not allowed, he says: being in the dust sad for so long, we are soldiers at least let us shoot the field and they know that we can.
We sanded today in the wild dust army base in which we supposed to fly away right now, but the whole sky is covered with sand, I can not see even across the streets
just like the mist in my home town......
Don't know what to do today, took shower last night, the famel shower room is far from where I stayed, someone has to stay outside while I was showering..........
send you a smile from th heated dusty Iraq.....
Breathing sand thats what people do over here, kind of nice in its own way.......
Yes I almost forgot, the sun this morning on the sky standing there in front of me smiling looks like a shinny bright silver moon on the yellow sky so beautiful.............
Story 4
Whole day yellow dust flying colouring the sky in Iraq where I am, could not fly to the base where we supposed to be, 2 today and 2 tomorrow, felt bad for the soldiers whom are waiting for us, lets hope tomorrow the sky will be clear and we can fly. as it is right now, sitting out doors drinking mango smoothy watching the sky, sitting with soldires chating..... there is no stars no moon on the sky, but still I can see the brightest stars and the tender romantic moon, cause my heart and my eyes and my soul are wide open and pure, yes when you are puer the pure things appere in front of your eyes like magic...........
Story 5
Thank you fly and many others here reading, i am doing what I can, its so beautiful and moving to be here and to see and feel and talking to the soldires, they smile from their face, the happy innecence and the hope and wanting to go home for the simple things just break your heart. Just finishing shooting guns, and just when I think of not a single famele soldires here, the she emerge in front of me in the bathroom, funy how things work, and I have a story for you when I next can write, but have to go now..... the yellow dust still flying covered the sky, hope we can fly out today to the morines, feel bad if we couuld not go, cause the soldires are waiting.......... what a feeling here you can only know by being here feel the dust the heat the energy and the hush rasty unknow and the sweet wish hope and dreams that so wanted but far away for the desier of our dear heart........ yes heart is puer and beautiful.............
Live for the heart yes always
Send you peace enjoy what yuo have.
Story 6
this is the last thing I would like to have.
I am sick and in the hospital getting IV, wow I can not believe it, Have huge headache I mean huge could not sleep and feeling cold, then finally I throwing up in the horrible heated desert, whatever I take I throw up even water, so they took me to the hospital, and give me IV, the doctor is a famel, she makes me smile, cause she is so confendent doing her job. she give extra pain medison still I have headache, and she even give me the strong one don't know how to spell it, mafein? but still I have my eadache, its the worst feeling I have now to get sick in this condition, I just felt so bad, you know what the most importnat thing in life is healthy, without it there is nothing and nothing important to even have the mind to think of, its lik clouds coverd me so heavy I so want to lift the shadows to see the bright sun and breath the fresh air, but I am sircled in the cloud of pain.......... life become difficoult here, yes I must drink alots of water which I do now, but the bathroom is so far from where my tent is so you can imagine in the middle of night when I want to go to the bathroom, I did not want to wake up anyone, but its dangerouse to go by myself alone walking this far in the dark in the war zone Iraq, what do you think I should do?
I am not feeling good now at all, need you send me good energy and love......
Sitting in the air base waiting to fly, so hot but I feel cold, yes in the dusty desert thinking of the blue sea and the fresh clean air and the easy life in LA, dreaming of a long nice sweet shower.........