What a way to start New Year? With love next to me, with love in my heart.......
In Hawaii, On the beach, next to the wild sea, touched by the bright burning sunlight, in the warmth of the white sand, overlooking the beautiful blue sky the white clouds moving its romance and love, a tender melody singing in the wind flirting its New year's dream with me, me and you so intimately sexy erotic my body and my emotion felt its excitement like a volcano is about to blooming a beautiful red rose, yes with all of you watching and enjoying and wondering.......
This is how my beautiful New Year started, with love in my heart and the tenderness just like how the moon light touches the surface of the sea, the sensitive breath of the fresh clean air so far away yet so intimately close, just like my heart's whispering to you my love........
Yes I am in love, in love with life, with beauty, with nature, with another New year's life suddenly came, yes a romance entered my life unexpectedly, a dream I so wanted for myself to lost in just like how the New Years suddenly arrived......
Happy New year my friend, this is how the new year should starts and be, with the openness of our heart, with happiness dancing in enthusiasm, with all our passion of life of everything you ever dreamed of, lets begin with the nakedness, the nakedness of who we are......
Its going to be a magic year I can feel and I already know.
Dance and enjoy not to wait till next year but starting right now with your own gift and magic and love to give.......
Yes give it all, be the brilliant of who you are, that's the only way to live and to begin to understand the word of "Giving" and to celebrate and enjoy that spirit, because by giving you will for sure receive!
I give my good wishes, my smile my craziness, my passion and the magic of my love to all of you.....
Happy New Year, may everyday be a magic day shining with the bright sunlight to you.....