Beautiful rain wet the earth give us peace and beauty like many little mirrors landed with moving lights inside the circle like my little mini flirting with the waves of your passing by smile.........
Paris right now is in blurred sexy purple with the mystery........purple is made out of lover's eyes......Paris is romantic is only because we give our whole heart and romance to it completely with the unshakable burning fire of faith.......
Life inside nature is so beautiful, life inside love is a never awaken dream.........I love the rain!
As the whole world is talking about my nipples now and extreme my sexy openness, I am here to show you to tell you who is the woman behind the public image......
As you read me you will feel your own inner truth beauty tenderness the melody that nourishes your soul and heart just like the gentle rain right now softly touching washing the dust of life and land with so much love, just sit there for a little time read breath and patiently empty your stubborn mind, and then you will feel your own generosity wanting to love to give to have compassion and to understand and to forgive and mostly to be free of thoughts but only to laugh with loud joy and dance, dance with me like a child you once were......
Children don't judge, never have bad thoughts but only give laugh and love to us all and that was the pure beautiful clean you......
I forgive you my friend whom ever had even a little bad thoughts of me or of anyone, choose your words carefully because its going to hurt your own soul and take your light away. But I forgive your blindness by the lights, and we sometimes all are, its only because the lights are so bright and our eyes are not fully opened awaken yet to see, but again when you don't really understand something just stay still be patient have good thoughts for yourself, and I promise you after awhile you will see the beauty that is so simple just like child's smile that is in font of you, then you will hear the sound of your own heart whispering a loving melody in the beautiful rain, you will feel peace and understand why were you so angry and wishful otherwise.........and you will see a shadow just lift and passed your eyes slowly but surely away.........
Let your light in.........the positive!
I am here because I have a gift to give, I am here because I have a dream to dream, I am not here to please anyone, I am not here to try to be anyone else but simply just me, the pure BaiLing, the Bailing supposed to be. This is the reason why I landed on earth near you, is just because I can help you guide you show you how to find your own light, how to find yourself, how to fly your wings and manifest you own happiness......I am here to be the truthful brilliant me that nature asked me to be, to give to forgive, mostly to LOVE, even if it is the shadow in the darkness........
But have you noticed the pure darkness? Look at the sky right now, can you see without the pure darkness you could not see the stars and the moon, but the pure darkness is there to show the lights to worship to celebrate to give support but not there to cover to damage and to jealous.
We are all one the same heart the same soul with purity like a pure child just born, take care your heart, take care your light and take care the person that is next to you, because it is you that will be and are already right now just the next person to someone........
I am me the pure Bailing supposed to be, I am proud, I dance the joy of life, I give my delight and fun to you, I also give my wisdom to my friends the you that is sometimes lost on the other side of the screen the rainbow, I do it because I care for you! I am here to give you the steps that you already know how to brilliantly dance on you own for your own happiness........
Be the positive brilliant you, be someone's light, learn to celebrate appreciate others magic and individuality.
We are here to serve to show to give our gift to the world to the ones whom still just waking up with their eyes blurred from the night, but the sunlight is calling your name to breath to dance together and to hold your hand walk life gently provocatively only with the pure heart of joy.......
You are the light
your are the love
you are the magic
and you are the star of your own
Show it with only your loving heart .......
Nipples are beautiful, when the child is born she first touched is her mother's nipples, its nurturing, is love, is erotically seductive to life to romance to love.......
And you know what my nipples are beautiful.........