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This is not the car I am driving
this is not the bathtub I am in
this is not the color I am wearing now
but still I am here
I am here to help
to give
to trust
to lend a hand to our children
to something breath lights to the world
to smile
to love
no matter how cynical you might be
how you might blink your eyes think twice
how the shadow will suddenly pass
but my friend
the shadow will pass
the lights will always shine
shinning its supprise
like the believe in your heart
like the morning breath
if you wake up
with the pure delight
children teach us to love
without asking love for return
children give us trust
with their blind heart
children make us innocent
and wise
children teach us to laugh
without a thought in their mind
children make us brave
make us jump off the cliff
even if the fire is flouting in the sea
children guild us
to the road of beauty
with meaning......
Only to give you receive
only receive because you give
money can not buy love
hearts have no price
but you can give the convince road
the car
the key to find lights
to open a door
the strength
our beloved children need
by giving to children
you give yourself
a priceless gift
the joy that is
dying to break free
like a beautiful dream
in your heart
please help
even by giving the morning coffee
three times
with my appreciation
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