Yes I am crazy, but dispite the fun and craziness you can't denine I am a damn good actress, look at all charactors I played, they are all very different, so please go watch my movies if you want to see and know me for real, start with " A beautiful life" because it is coming out near you in therter I think the 10th of October, you will see all the billbord all over town.
Anyway, lets have some fun today, you know when I am so jet-legged I am not sure why I go places and do things, it feels like I am high, yes naturely I am high thats why I am fun and crazy in a exciting way, so if any of you could find out where am I in each picture then you are a real geines, I will give you your oscar...........
Actully why do I say I will win Oscar its because its the most easy thing to do, if you want and you think you do then you win.
Human beings are slow, thats why when birds or fly or even a air plane, when we human beings trying to catch up, they are already long goen, you have experenced when you are on the air watching someone running its just a joke, they are not even moving, you know to the birds and flies, we are in a slow motion, they don't have to run, sometimes they are half sleep we still can not catch them, because that's their nature and how they disgned, thats why we have telephons, we call to the police:
" Watch out! the dangeriouse birds and fly just landed in washinton 8 hours ago.
Forgive me if you think I am drunk, I drink on the plane and eat only desserts, naver watch a movie, I don't remember what I was doing on the plane? do you? maybe I was just there thinking of my lover, yes thats right thinking of things that naturely enter my eyes, but I close my eyes all the time and just smile, sometimes I smile so loud even the clouds heard out the window and they all wake up and so curisely watching and they don't know there is a glass window, I see their nose get crashed and bleeding, thats the rain we feel on earth............
In nature everything is so simple, no need to try so hard to figure it out, there are just there, the truth in front of your naked eyes.
Where am I?
Wonder what is Howard Stern is doing now? Does he like his show? or just a job?
I think its fun when you can go crazy in your work, thats why we go to movies, because we want our magic to be real..........
I love you!