

Check this viideo out and you will know what I mean at:

Its late here in the far east, 1am, I have to get up at 6am again filming, but just want to share this video with you so you can feel and see the reality over where I am and where those people are.
And here are some of the places you can donate money and things that you would like to give to help those people whom survived and still suffering from Typhoon: those are the account number you can send money to:
單位 戶名 帳號 備註
中國國民黨中央委員會莫拉克颱風賑災專戶 郵政劃撥帳號:50121464
民進黨 財團法人新境界文教基金會 郵政劃撥帳號:50121596
華南銀行 帳號:1211-0007-7200
佛光山 郵政劃撥帳號:04632451 請註明:救助莫拉克風災
慈濟基金會 佛教慈濟基金會 郵政劃撥帳號:06887791 請註明:提供莫拉克颱風賑災專戶
法鼓山 財團法人法鼓山社會福利慈善事業基金會 郵政劃撥帳號:19577467
台灣基督長老教會 財團法人台灣基督長老教會宣教基金會 郵政劃撥帳號:19566285
華南銀行公館分行 帳號:118-20-079667-1 請註明:救助莫拉克風災
台灣世界展望會 台灣世界展望會 郵政劃撥帳號:15752467 請註明:莫拉克水患救援
Doesn't mater how much you give, but with your care and heart even from far people can still feel and receive, love and compassion have no distance, our world is actually a very small place we call it home when it comes to give and love, only hate and valence divid us, and create distance far and cold.........
lets help, lets love, lets help people whom need help need love need us to care and to say: We love you, we are here with you every step you take.
I just want through you to shin the light of my heart.........
I also want you through you to brighten the light of the human soul.........
Thank you!
A smile