I was in s good mood this morning before work and went to the coffee bean to get my morning coffee, and send you this lovely jokes to wish you a good day, but look what happened to me, you will not believe it, I went to the coffee bean for 5 mins and got a parking ticket, just 5 minutes, the lady just writing a ticket, I said I put money in the miter, and I am here just get a coffee why ticket?, she says its street clear at this time, I said there is no body here to clean the streets right now, can you believe it? Sometimes those role just gets me mad, I was there and there is no cleaning police, but she just write me a ticket when I am there and ready to leave!
Ridiculous sometimes how the society function, don' understand, a coffee costs me $47?it better be good! Wow! I am surprised!
Anyway I know I am just react at this moment, well I guess its part of life you have to live through.....
Wish all of you have a good start of Monday!
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