Of cause its a gift to work, to do what you love to do, but also its a gift that you are not working on location, I can just relax and get myself back to me, still jet-legged, could not wake up in the morning and so tired, went to massage in my hotel then to the pool, my god so hot its unbearble, the heat turned into hundreds of waves one can not even walk on a line, but the color the vew and the confusing the heart made me just pushed me to the cliff that I have to run away, I admire the hotel people who works there, but they say they are used to it. I think you adopt when you have no choice like I am shooting, no matter how hard how early and how tired, you just there and you will survive beautifully.
I am thankful to be here and to have sometime to myself to find peace......
Hot where you are my friend?
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