Driving on the free way again, so early and tired, feeling sleepy on the even speed, I know its dangers, I turned the music even louder trying to stay awake, its always hard in the morning because I really wake up slow, one time I was shooting in Paris, the director said, don't talk to Bailing before 10am. Well still have 4 hours to go. But happy to be up early, then the day is much longer for me to enjoy.
You know people's life are different, just spoke with my brother in Hospital, he is ok, but just depressed, hope he will get better and hope you all send prayers for him and make him stronger.
Life is precious for us to enjoy and to spend in the happy way, I am thankful every day in life when I look at the beautiful sky and the smile on each person I passed by, well just passed the location, see pay attention to what you do, other wise the road under you will Miss leading, they are knocking my door now have to do make up.
But the starts with a beauty of delight...... Hope doe you too
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