Here is the lyrics I wrote just now and just sent it over to a music producer, hope you will like it and you will hear the song one day very soon. A big smile and enjoy it. The song is called: ' you are my color'

You are my color

If I am red
I will color you
I will color your nose
With a rose
With a rose with no thorn

If I am blue
I will color you
I will color your feet
With a boat
With a boat with no storm

If I am yellow
I will color you
I will color your hair
With a roof
With a roof with no ceiling

If I am purple
I will color you
I will color your lips
With a kiss
With a kiss with no poison

If I am black
I will color you
I will color your nails
With a star
With a star with no shadow

If I am white
I will color you
I will color your world
With a sky
With a sky with no end

You are my color
As I color you
Color your eyes
With a rose
In the white sky
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