Raining beautifully today in Taipei, moody...romantic........lights shanny my happiness of celebrate life and my movie......Wish I could write more, but so much work and no time, but people love the movie, after the screening people holding my hands and staring at me with tears in their eyes woud not want to leave...........they say: I love you Bailing! Its so nice to touching people's heart...........
wish you could see the movie.......
Life exciting here in the rain in the sun in the lights and in my heart.
Enjoy the hot pics and enjoy the lovely weekend, remember the things are make you smile, remember beauty and love, rememerber when was the last time you said I love you, why not now? Remember we are th gift to life just as life is a gift to us everyday precious........
Send you the happy mood from the heated crazy raining sunny hot summer in Taipei.