Come to my studio to me, come closer, don't move I am filming you,
filming the still sound around you, filming your heart's temperature,
filming your temptation, as the camera with its pure sharp eyes, it
will capture your pure heart in the sharp action, don't move, don't be
afraid, just open, open to the camera, open to me, and open to your
own mirror......
There is no way I can choose those photos, maybe you will have to help
me to, which one? Which one fits you and captures your spirit or
captured the right moment of your mood in peace and beauty? For me
they are incebratble, it's a chin of a love letter to the world to
you, to the moment just giving birth right now right here......
I smile a lot have you noticed in those photos? It is because Valentine's Day is coming, What a beautiful day to think of love and your loved ones and the romantic feeling of in love or will be in love or already long ago falls to its lake so deep and never wake up........
To me, you are lucky if you feel either the gentle love or the
passionate burning love with a desire, either just one night or life
time or just one evening walking under the bright moon with your hands
almost touched or just a moment passing by you with the eyes of love
unspoken, or the moment it is gone just before you realized your smile hasn't fully emerged, startled the moment of love could pass so quickly like a shadow, even then you are lucky, time means nothing in loves world, eyes, life and heart, time frozen when love walks by.........
Magic stop the world as love walks by, we stop the world as we are walking by with love, this is how you stop the world, just by carrying love in your heart, you don't have to show, but the world will stop because you become the magic when you breath love, and magic can not be missed......
I am lucky I feel love all the time in my heart, even by little
things, the wind crossing by, the sunlight, my beautiful Qiji's gentle kiss, a good wish from you, the silence, when you recognized the Heart the love message in my previuse post, when I know there is a valentine's day anxiously excitedly awaits for us not so far ahead, when I know we all are going to fall in the beautiful river of love if you are not already in so deep, I am lucky just to breath the precious air that nature give to me with its pure loving heart, yes I am in love as each every new day I am alive, as I wake up each new day and new moments arrives with its new surprises and gifts, I am in love as I have your love each new day as I am delighted to share and give you mine........
There is a boy, there is a girl, there is a magic love story, there is a burning kiss, he is yours, she is yours, they are all yours only if you give your pure heart completely to the smile you receive.......
Happy Valentine's day my friend!
lets fly with our beautiful wings.......